Maryssa Huntsman

Maryssa Huntsman

Owner/Resident Witch

Hello AII!

First, I want to tell you who I am. My name is Maryssa Huntsman. I'm a working momma of two wonderful kiddos. I have a very handsome redhead seven year boy and a gorgeous blue eyed blonde haired five year old girl. They could not be more opposite than each other and I would not want it any other way. I am from a small rural town in Indiana. I am a divorced single mom on paper, but in reality (and Facebook because that matters ;)) I have an amazing boyfriend and all four of us live together with our two dogs, 5 fish and a MASSIVE guinea pig. My kids, my man child, and my fur babies are my world! Which brings me to the point of why I started Witch in a Maze.

You may be asking “What is a Witch in a Maze?”, well I’ll tell you. Witch in a Maze all started because one day in an interview I was told to “tell me a little about yourself”, so I did just like I did above. I talked about my kids and my boyfriend (I left out the divorce, I mean... it was an interview) and their activities, etc.

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And the person then said “okay that’s awesome so what do you like to do for fun” and I said “well my boyfriend plays softball (like seriously A LOT OF SOFTBALL), my daughter does dance, and my son plays baseball so I kinda of follow them around for their activities.” She looked at me and said with the most soul piercing look on her face “I asked what you do for fun, not everyone around you”. I felt like my brain was shattering looking for what I like to do, I sat there dumbfounded.. Like a ton of bricks hit me and I realized I had no clue who I was except for a mom and a girlfriend that worked a lot! I am a workaholic but she asked for life outside of work. I seriously looked at her and said, “That is a great question, I guess I don’t know who I am without them, I dabble in some photography?”I said it as a question, as if she was going to give me the correct answer, but we just carried on with the rest of the interview. After leaving the interview and getting the job her question really stuck with me. “Who am I?”, “What do I do besides clean, follow tiny humans, cheer from the stands, and work?”. Sure I down played my photography because I am not a pro by any means, but I do try my best and I take pride in my work. I also love doing things all naturally whenever I can. And I love doing research on literally ANYTHING but especially on being a better person and parent. So I then went to the good ol’ internet and spoke to my boyfriend about all of it and he said create a brand, combine all the things you love and make you a website, SHARE YOUR LOVES. So here we are!

Now that you understand the idea of Witch in a Maze, I am sure you are wondering where the name came from. Well after finally making my mind up that I CAN do this, I said I need a logo and a name! I spoke with an employee who was also a friend of mine and asked if he could come up with something. One day as I was being bossy while at work, my friend/employee jokingly said “witch in a maze” with literally nothing else, just that phrase. And I instantly knew what he was talking about. “Witch in a Maze”, that is it, it’s perfect and just what I was searching for! Although the meaning to him at the time was funny to me it me it was the perfect play on words. Witch because someone who practices in holistic medicine or remedies are often called witches (and it rhymes with what my employee really wanted to call me for being bossy LOL). And maze meaning this crazy thing we call life. I lost myself for awhile so I am still trying to find my way and sometimes in life we hit dead ends, make wrong turns, get completely turned around but just like in a maze you just keep going until you find the right path!

My whole point of this is to give tips and tricks on parenting from my point of view, cheaper and easier ways to make all natural products as well as remedies, and a gallery of all my photographs I have taken. Eventually I hope this can grow in to the vision I have planned for it and I look forward to sharing this journey with you all. If you have any questions do not hesitate to reach out to me on the email listed below. Thank you all for being here and seeing what this Witch in a Maze is all about!


Wholistic Remedies


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